Customized Education and Training
We are all learning, relearning, and unlearning as EDI evolves. Our customized training sessions help your people increase their skills as inclusive leaders and team members by facilitating conversations with empathy, compassion, and a drive for constructive dialogue.
We do that by:
Sharing best practices for inclusive language and other considerations
Increasing participants' awareness of the skills needed for inclusive leadership
Facilitating conversations with empathy, respect, listening, and constructive dialogue
Guiding participants to create more personal alignment to working inclusively
"The Fran Endicott Social Justice Think Tank is grateful to Dr. Denise O’Neil Green for facilitating its first town hall. With over 40 Black and racialized people in attendance, Dr. Green engaged the attendees in responding to critical questions about equity, inclusion, and anti-racism - moving from identification of barriers to recommendations for systemic change. The data collected was rich and deep. Most invaluable was Dr. Green's ability to swiftly foster feelings of community among the attendees as many individuals remained well after the end of the three-hour session to continue the discussions. This “lingering” is often a sign of an effective facilitation session – attendees did not want to leave a space wherein racialized people felt trust and openness to voice their perspectives in a welcoming space."
— The Fran Endicott Social Justice Think Tank